Saturday, October 26, 2013

Rise and Shine Yoga

This week we focused on partner yoga and cooperation.  It was a lot of fun!  Lots of laughing and LOUD breathing.  We are getting the hang of this!  Halloween yoga next week, can't wait.:)

Rise and Shine Yoga1

A set created by students for the ladybug 5k!  We are all ready to run!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Classroom Yoga

Blogger is having some difficulty with its gadgets, so I will post the new quote here.  The students were asked to create a super hero and to describe their hero's super powers.  Nick's superhero helps others by 'breathing it all away."  Simply wonderful. :) It's great to know that we all have this superpower, isn't it? :) :)

Rise and Shine Yoga

Great set this week!  We learned some cool new poses and had fun playing the name game.  We relaxed with the new gong and it was INCREDIBLE!! Everyone loved "getting gonged!"  Several students have told me that they are using some of the breathing exercises at home or when feeling nervous and anxious.  Young people have an uncanny way of just absorbing all of the positive energy and possibilities that yoga offers.  I am blessed to be a part of their yoga journey.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Rise and Shine Yoga

Rise and shine yoga is off to a great start.  We have several returning yogis and some new yogis joining us.  There was so much great energy and excitement for a Monday morning, and it lasted the entire day. We are all looking forward to another great class this Monday.  We may just use the new gong!