Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Rise and Shine Yoga

Week 6 was all about waking up both sides of our brain and getting both the right and left hemispheres to work together.  We warmed up with several "cross crawl," exercises and took a field trip to get the yoga balls from the health classroom.  We spent a few minutes bouncing on the balls to get the sillies out and then we were able to do some serious yoga work.  I've never seen Kate smile so much!! Check out the videos of us using the balls.  I was amazed at the number of people who wanted to have their faces "smushed!"  EVERYONE commented on how relaxing the ball rolling/deep pressure exercise was.  We started our week with good positive energy.



  1. thanks so much for sharing the videos too! - makes it much easier to understand how you’re applying the exercises. May I also ask where you sourced the ‘big orange balls’?

  2. Our PE teacher uses them for a variety of purposes with all of the students. I believe she purchased them through a site like Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Reebok-55cm-Stability-Ball-Kit/dp/B003PATAAS
