Monday, March 21, 2011

Rise and Shine Yoga

Today was our last yoga class, can you believe 8 weeks have gone by? It was a great last class, especially since the state MCAS testing starts this week. It was a great way to get centered and relaxed before the stress of the testing begins. My final words to everyone were, "Use your yoga!"
Over the past 8 weeks, we have warmed up with many different exercises, been introduced to no less than 45 different poses, relaxed deeply, meditated, played many yoga games and most importantly learned how to be in our breath awareness. For our last class, I titled our set "Strike a Pose!" Using the results of the survey the children took last week regarding their favorite asanas, I developed a set of 14 poses that had a very gentle flow and rhythm. The overall favorite pose was candlestick! After we meditated, everyone got a chance to have their picture taken in their favorite pose. Be looking for these pictures in the Asanas and Mudras gadget on this blog. We also did some impromptu videos which had everyone laughing. I believe Nolan even said "take 23," at one point. Check out the videos to hear what some of the young yogis had to say about their experiences.I love that Nolan said "Yoga releases the tension." So true! Thank you so much for sharing your children with me on Monday mornings for the past eight weeks. Your dedication in getting them to school early for their yoga practice is a wonderful testament to the value you place on their well being. I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible for session 2, which will be starting soon. The paperwork will go home this week and on-line sign ups start on the 24th!
Don't forget, use your yoga!

Mrs. W

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